What is CSS

What is CSS

What is CSS 

Cascading Style Sheets, lovingly cited as CSS may be an easy style language supposed to modify the method of creating respectable sites.

CSS handles the planning and feel a part of an internet page. Using CSS, you'll management the color of the text, the fashion of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, however, columns area unit sized and ordered out, what background pictures or colors area unit used, layout styles, variations in the show for various devices and screen sizes similarly as a range of alternative effects.

CSS is simple to be told associated perceive; however, it provides powerful management over a markup language document presentation. Most typically, CSS is combined with the markup languages markup language or XHTML.

Advantages of CSS

CSS saves time − you'll write CSS once and utilize the same sheet in multiple markup language pages. You'll outline a mode for every markup language part and apply it to as several sites as you wish.

Pages load quicker If you're victimization CSS, you do not have to be compelled to write markup language tag attributes each time. Simply write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to any or all the occurrences of that tag. Therefore less code suggests that quicker transfer times.

Easy maintenance − to create a worldwide modification, merely modify the fashion, and everyone else told the online pages will be updated mechanically.

Superior designs to markup language CSS features an abundant wider array of attributes than markup language. Therefore you'll provide a much better look to your markup language page compared to markup language attributes.

Multiple Device Compatibility − Styles sheets permit content to be optimized for quite one kind of device. By victimizing a similar markup language document, totally different versions of an internet site may be given for hand-held devices like PDAs and cell phones or printing.

Global net standards − currently markup language attributes area unit being deprecated and being counseled to use CSS. Therefore it's a decent plan to begin victimization CSS all told the markup language pages to create them compatible with future browsers.

Who Creates and Maintains CSS?

CSS is made and maintained through a gaggle of individuals at intervals in the W3C known as the CSS unit. The CSS unit creates documents known as specifications. Once a specification has been mentioned and formally sanctioned by the W3C members, it becomes a recommendation.

These sanctioned specifications area unit known as recommendations due to the W3C has no management over the particular implementation of the language. Freelance corporations and organizations produce that code.

NOTE − the globe Wide net pool or W3C may be a cluster that produces recommendations concerning how the web works and how it ought to evolve.

CSS Versions

Cascading Style Sheets level one (CSS1) came out of W3C as a recommendation in Dec 1996. This version describes the CSS language similarly as an easy visual data format model for all the markup language tags.

CSS2 became a W3C recommendation in might 1998 and builds on CSS1. This version adds support for media-specific style sheets, e.g., printers and aural devices, downloadable fonts, part positioning, and tables.